Involuntary experts.


Involuntary experts.

Fertility challenges, where to start? It’s a truly lonely, isolating and life-consuming experience that no one would ever imagine having to go through. It is an overwhelming diagnosis with a big impact on your life plans. 

Over the course of many years, multiple failed rounds of treatment and more money spent than we would ever dare to say it out loud, the emotional support became more important than ever. 

We found that there is currently a distinct lack of quality support for those going through fertility challenges. Clinics look at the condition from a medical perspective rather than holistically. Friends and family can’t relate, don’t know what to say and offer unsolicited advice, at times hurtful.  

We want to create a safe space where we offer the much-needed emotional support to those going through it, by those going through it. People who understand.

You are not alone.

Fertility challenges, where to start? It’s a truly lonely, isolating and life-consuming experience that no one would ever imagine having to go through. It is an overwhelming diagnosis with a big impact on your life plans. 

Over the course of many years, multiple failed rounds of treatment and more money spent than we would ever dare to say it out loud, the emotional support became more important than ever. 

We found that there is currently a distinct lack of quality support for those going through fertility challenges. Clinics look at the condition from a medical perspective rather than holistically. Friends and family can’t relate, don’t know what to say and offer unsolicited advice, at times hurtful.  

We want to create a safe space where we offer the much-needed emotional support to those going through it, by those going through it. People who understand.

You are not alone.

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